Adult Ministries

Learning is a lifelong experience as is our journey with God. Sunday School classes offer an opportunity for adults to come together to study scripture, learn from one another as they engage in conversation about God, and develop connections with other members within the church.

All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the servant of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work. 2 Timothy 3:16-17

Adult Sunday School

Sunday Mornings at 9am

All adults are welcome

Christianity and World Religions 

Join Mike Blodgett for his next Adult Sunday School class for discussion around Adam Hamilton's book: Christianity and World Religions.

This new, fully updated book explores four major world religions—Hinduism, Buddhism, Islam, and Judaism—and compares the beliefs of each with those of Christianity.

In examining these major world religions and the beliefs of their followers, Hamilton urges us as Christians to build bridges with others so that we might grow in our faith, seek peace in our world, love our neighbors, and find positive ways to share the gospel.

The class will begin on January 12 and run for 6 weeks in the Community Room.