
Marriage is a proclaimed sacred covenant reflecting the Baptismal Covenant. It is a couple’s life-long commitment as they come together out of their own volition for a blessing. Marriage provides an opportunity to grow in selflessness as you serve each other and form your family. It is more than a physical union; it is also a spiritual and emotional union. This union mirrors the one between God and His Church.
Services offered:
Music | Our church has a talented pool of musicians that may be available to assist you in selecting music for your wedding. If desired, we will connect you with our Music Director to schedule a consultation. Music selected for a wedding held at our church should glorify and honor God as well as respect the sacred intention of Holy Matrimony. The Senior Pastor will issue final approval for all music selected.
Music selection, performance, accompaniment may incur additional fees.
Pastor | The Pastor will officiate the ceremony as well as assist you with the planning and coordination of your wedding within our church. The Pastor will be at the wedding rehearsal unless other arrangements have been made and agreed upon by all parties. Final approval of the wedding ceremony in full will be given by the Senior Pastor, who will be part of all weddings held at our church, unless a prior agreement has been made with the Senior Pastor. Please refer to our Building Use Guidelines for our fee schedule.
Kitchen, Hall, Other Building Use | Our kitchen, Fellowship Hall, and other areas of our facility may be made available for your reception or applicable activities following your wedding ceremony. If desired, we will connect you with a member of our hospitality committee to assist in the coordination of these services. Alcoholic beverages and smoking are not permitted on church premises. Please note, all functions held at our church must end by 9:00 p.m. Please refer to our Building Use Guidelines for our fee schedule.
Request a meeting with our pastor to discuss your wedding plans by completing the form found within the policy. Completed forms can be submitted to the office at

Baptism is a sacrament of initiation into the visible Church. Wesleyan covenant theology further teaches that baptism is a sign and a seal of the covenant of grace: Of this great new-covenant blessing, baptism was therefore eminently the sign; and it represented "the pouring out" of the Spirit, "the descending" of the Spirit, the "falling" of the Spirit "upon men," by the mode in which it was administered, the pouring of water from above upon the subjects baptized.
Services offered:
Pastor | The Senior Pastor will meet with you and the witnesses (optional) and will have final approval of the baptismal ceremony. The Senior Pastor will be part of all baptisms held at our church unless a prior agreement has been made with the Senior Pastor.
Request a meeting with our pastor to discuss your baptism plans by completing the form found within the policy. Completed forms can be submitted to the office at

Funeral are intended to remember and honor those who died while also celebrating the impact they had on the lives of their loved ones. We honor our role in the support of family and friends in their grief, as we lovingly remember the deceased, and pledge to continue to be a source of strength and comfort to all who mourn.
Services offered:
Music | Our church has a talented pool of musicians that may be available to assist you in selecting funeral music. If desired, we will connect you with our Music Director to schedule a consultation. The Senior Pastor will have final approval of all music selected.
Music selection, performance, accompaniment may incur additional fees.
Pastor | The Pastor will lead the funeral service as well as assist you with the planning and coordination of the service. The Senior Pastor will participate in all funerals held at our church, unless a prior agreement has been made with the Senior Pastor. Please refer to our Building Use Guidelines for our fee schedule.
Food | We are happy to provide light refreshments such as cookies, bars, coffee, and/or water following the funeral service. If desired, we will connect you with a member of our hospitality committee to assist in the coordination of these services. Alcoholic beverages and smoking are not permitted on church premises. Alcoholic beverages and smoking are not permitted on church premises. Please note, all functions held at our church must end by 9:00 p.m. Please refer to our Building Use Guidelines for our fee schedule.
Food preparation, cost, and service may incur additional fees.
Request a meeting to discuss your funeral needs with our pastor by completing the form found within the policy. Completed forms can be submitted to the office at
Building Reservations

Cedarburg Community United Methodist Church welcomes individuals and/or groups to use our facility when appropriate and applicable. We offered a variety of rooms within the building that can accommodate multiple needs. Please note, additional charges will be assessed for use of kitchen for food preparation, use of video/electronics, repair of damages, or major cleaning. Non-profit groups charging a fee for their program will be assessed the non-member fee.
It is assumed that all groups using our building will treat the property with care and respect. Alcoholic beverages and smoking are not permitted on church property. All groups must finish using the building by 9:00 p.m. Programs involving children or youth/student groups must be chaperoned.
Request to use the building by completing the form found within the policy. Completed forms can be submitted to the office at
Safe Sanctuary

As members of The United Methodist Church, we are called by God to make our ministries safe and to protect children and youth.
Weather Closings and Cancelations