Women of Faith
This group is for women who want to learn and grow in knowledge and understanding of themselves and others, deepen their faith, share their witness, and support one another through book study, discussion, and prayer.
Meetings are held on the 2nd Monday of each month at 1:15 p.m. in the church conference room from September until May.
On Monday, February 10, Chapters 6 and 7 of Charles F. Stanley's book, When the Enemy Strikes, held over from January, will be up for discussion. Women of Faith invites and welcomes all readers to bring their favorite Bible and meet at 1:15 p.m. in the CUMC library. Our illustrious preacher and author shows us how to identify the enemy and understand Satan’s tactics against finances, relationships, and health. Learn to sense his attacks before they can cause damage and secure God’s energy, divine power, and protection for us and our loved ones. Those who wish to join in on book discussions can order a new or used book through Amazon.com. Do you have questions? Contact Barbara Anne Ridgely.
4th Monday Coffee: All women of the church and friends are invited for fellowship at 9:15 a.m. on Monday, February 24, at Big Apple Bagels on Wisconsin Avenue in Grafton, where a variety of coffees and teas are available. The storefront is located in a strip mall between Culver's and Pick 'n' Save. Park in the lot; safe and easy entry--no stairs, no ramp. See you there!

Men's Study Group
This group is for men who wish to develop fellowship with other faith-minded gentlemen. Religious-oriented books are often a topic of discussion but the group is primarily focused on camaraderie.
Meetings are held at 7:00 a.m. every Thursday at PJ Piper's Pancake House, W61 N514 Washington Avenue, Cedarburg. Coffee and/or breakfast is optional but discussion is not.
In November the Men’s Study Group started reading and discussing the Gospel of John. As our guide we used William Barclay’s bible study book, the Gospel of John.
William Barclay is a world-renowned New Testament interpreter, scholar, author, and cleric. He served as Minister of Trinity Church, Renfrew Scotland and Professor of Diviinty and Biblical Criticism at the University of Glascow.
Barclay states "The Gospel according to Saint John is to many people the most precious book in the Bible." In order to help uncover the tremendous wealth of this Gospel, Barclay has provided his own unique interpretation of the text with a detailed commentary. Barclay feels that through this gospel "many people find themselves closer to God and to Jesus Christ than in any other book in the world." He had a lot to say about contextualism, interestingly a term that is prominent in political discussions today. The term refers to the relevant expression of a message or thought in different cultures and times.
At the time this gospel was compiled Christians were in the midst of bitter arguments with the Jewish community. What they were arguing about was not racially motivated, but concerned with the nature of true spirituality. The Gospel of John contains very little about the life of Jesus, his appearances, or parables. In this fourth gospel John takes extensive effort to detail Jesus’ speeches and sermons. John’s gospel contains many of the first acts of Christ while the other gospels give an account of the latter part of His life.
Barclay has divided his analysis and discussion of the Gospel of John into two books. Volume One, which the men just completed, delt with the wider meaning of John’s approach to Chrisitan life and witness. This month the men will begin reading and discussing Volume Two, which raises many questions – about the nature of Jesus’ teaching, the value of John’s information, and about the social dynamic of early Christian communities. Nevertheless, Barclay’s intent is to comment on the message of the gospel’s text and how it impinges on the lives and spiritual development of today’s readers.

Care Connectors
Care Connectors continue to serve our homebound and limited mobility members by arranging communion, home visits, or calls. If you know of someone who needs a connection to care, please let Pastor Kyabuntu know. Our next meeting will be held on February 10, at 1:30 p.m. in the Community Room.

The Church Gals (and Friends) Lunch & Bingo
Friday, February 14, 11:30 a.m. Lunch will be at Highland House (12741 N. Port Washington Road) in Mequon. Bingo will be held at CUMC. Open to all adults, 18 yrs. old & over. Questions? Contact Randy Pierce.