Children's Ministries

When children are surrounded by the love of God, when they understand that that love is uncompromising, unconditional, and unwaivering, they grow to depend on it and they learn to reflect that love onto others.

All children are welcome to participate in our Community Kids ministry which includes special events, Sunday school, and Vacation Bible School.

Kids' Sunday School

Sunday mornings at 9am (September through May)

PreK through 5th Grade

Self Control: The choice is yours

Self-control is a fruit of the Spirit. It’s one of the ways we can tell that God is transforming our lives and that we are growing in our faith. Thankfully, we don’t have to find self-control on our own – when we follow Jesus, God’s Spirit is with us and helps us make the wise choice.

IBut when we trust God to help us, we can choose to stay in control. God has given us the Holy Spirit to help us show self-control. In fact, self-control is something God’s Spirit creates IN us. When we demonstrate self-control, others can see the difference God has made in our lives. That may not come easily, but we can choose what’s best when we trust God and ask God to help us.

As we follow Jesus, His love transforms us. His Spirit helps us show self-control. We can follow Jesus’ example and choose to do what’s best – even when we don’t want to.

Kids' Church

Sunday mornings during worship service (September through May)

PreK through 5th Grade

Stewardship Superheroes

Stewardship isn’t just for adults. Teaching kids about stewardship, what it truly means, and offering exposure to the act of generosity can have a lifelong impact on their attitude toward giving, grace, and compassion.

As Christians we understand that we ultimately own nothing. So, when we realize that wealth is measured by more than money, our perspective changes. Wealth can be measured by the love you give and receive and by the impact you make in the lives of others. Often, the wealthiest people aren’t the richest. Truly wealthy people enjoy and share all of God’s gifts to the fullest.

The important truth is that stewardship, like everything else we do, is an act of worship to God.

While kids' church is an important part to our children's ministry, there are times in which it is important for the kids to stay with their families in the sanctuary. For this reason, Kids' Church is not offered on Communion Sundays or special Sundays such as Easter and Christmas. Kids' Church is also only offered periodically throughout the summer.